
BESTGUM POLSKA sp. z o.o. 97-427 Rogowiec ul.Św.Barbary 3,  NIP [Tax Identification Number]: 769-217-75-10REGON [Statistical Identification Number]: 100698606 Share capital: PLN 16.784.000,00 Bank: PKO Bank Polski
Bank account: 76 1020 1026 0000 1702 0232 1206
Secretariat of the Management Board: Tel. (44) 737 18 50 | tel./fax (44) 737 18 52 E-mail:
Office Secretariat of the Management Board: phone: (44) 737 18 09
- Vulcanisation Division Turów.
59-916 Bogatynia 3 ul. Górników Turowa 1 Department W1 i W3 phone: 603 436 742
Our locations
Department of Human Resources, Wages and Social Issues: phone (44) 737 18 64
Marketing and Sales Department: phone: (44) 737 18 55
Logistics and Trade Department: phone: (44) 737 18 54
Head Engineer for Production and Services: phone: (44) 737 18 56
Production and Service Department: phone: (44) 737 18 56
Runner Production Department: phone: (44) 737 11 02
Vulcanising Service Department - Bełchatów Division: phone: (44) 737 18 57
Head Engineer for Auxiliary Mining Operations: phone: (44) 737 60 73
Drilling Service Department: phone: (44) 737 60 70
Financial and Accounting Department: phone: (44) 737 18 13 - (44) 737 18 14