Drilling Services

  • Drilling of hydrogeological wells in order to drain the mine workings with the use of the dry rotary and percussion method of up to 60 m with a final diameter of 419 mm

  • Drainage project of the construction excavations, industrial excavations, landfills and comprehensive performance of the land drainage projects with the use of the method of the depression wells

  • Identification of the ground and water conditions of the areas of the planned investments through: test drilling, reconnaissance drilling and ground bed sounding

  • Assembly and replacement of the deep-well pump units

  • Collection of the ground and ground water samples in order to determine their parameters

  • Drilling of the observation wells in order to monitor ground water

  • Performance of the drainage wells and installation of the wellpoints

  • Drilling in order to determine the geotechnical conditions of the foundation of the construction works, road works and driving of the piles

  • Renovation, cleaning and activation of the deep wells and piezometers

  • Liquidation of the unnecessary wells and water intakes

  • Performance of the water supply wells for the industrial or private purposes

  • Cleaning of the sewage system, removal of the blockages in the pipes.

  • Drilling of the hard mineable wells for the needs of the mining plants

  • Instrumentation in the deep wells (removal of the detached pumps, cables etc.)